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Santa Bear's Cave

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by Santa Bear

Entries in this blog

The Beginings of a Man...

Today, my oldest son graduates from High School. Not only is he graduating with a good gpa and making a 21 on his ACT when he was sick, he is graduating a year early too. (He's actually been finished with school since February.) I've always said that I wanted to be known and remembered as a good man, husband, and father. I want that for my two sons as well. My wife and I still can't believe that this day is here. Not just the day of his graduation, but the days of him firmly stepping into

Santa Bear

Santa Bear

A Mother and a Mentor

A Mother and a Mentor Like most of us say, my mother was an extraordinary woman. She was one of two children growing up in a small town. She was a very likeable and friendly person even at a young age. She took dance, was extremely active in school events, a baton twirler for the marching band, and even won Miss Strawberry Festival as a little girl and a teen. I always thought my mother was beautiful, but upon seeing photos of her in

Santa Bear

Santa Bear

Majority Rules

After reading the breaking news story "City Debates Ripping the Wings Off Angels", I decided to vent a little here on my blog. You can read the topic here. What is wrong with people? "It's my way or the highway!" That seems to be the attitude of some people that just seem like they don't want to get along with others. This "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude seems to be contagious. It even seems to get a little worse when Christmas is fast approaching. Communities debating whether or not

Santa Bear

Santa Bear

Most Wanted Toy for 2008?

As a Santa, I found out years ago that it is important to try to keep up with the current trends in the toy market. When talking with children about what they might like for Christmas, being able to talk to them about all the neat toys out there can help make a visit with Santa all the better. To help with this, I try to find what I can on the internet by visiting toy manufacturer's websites, watching videos from people who visited the New York Toy Fair, and reading articles from Toy magazine

Santa Bear

Santa Bear

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