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Christmas Tradition

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Well it was eight months ago I hung up the badge after 35 years and began retirement. No more call outs in the middle of the night, no meetings no court appearances or out of state travel for training . Finally all the projects that were often planned for Saturdays that never got done are now in progress or completed. I miss the people I worked with but many of my friends who worked with me or in other law enforcement agencies have retired as well. I don't miss the crazy hours or the administrat

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Remembering A Generation That Is Passing

Last thursday night I was off to a nursing home close by for birthday visit to my last relative of my folks generation. My Uncle Bob ,my late mother's brother turned 97. He has been in a nursing home since December and I must say it is difficult to see him there. For all of my life he lived just around the corner and after his wife's early passing he became a daily fixture in my family's home.He was always there all through the illness of my mother and watching over my Dad as he slipped away wit

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Santa Gets His Whiskers

A little early Christmas magic happened a few days ago when Santa got his whiskers. I am somewhat of a Santa whisker stylist of sorts, all self taught, taking ordinary sets and working them into something better. Always on the look out for that perfect set of whiskers. Well a while back I read of a Santa looking for a certain set of whiskers that are out of production. I know he had seen them in the advertisement on the Rubies site where he got his suit. It was a very nice beard made to look lik

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Dad Remembered- Fathers Day Past

Well fathers day has past, a quiet day of remembrance for me as Dad is gone now almost 11 years. I was recounting to some folks I was talking about some of the things that I remember. Dad was a morning person up with the sun. How I remember all through my school years him waking me up in the morning. I did not inherit his love for the morning,today if it were not for my wife pushing me to get going I would still be in bed at 10 am.My dad however was a different story. He was up shaved eating bre

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Mothers Day-Memorial Day Folks Rembered

I sit here Mothers Day just past and Memorial Day just ahead makes one think about a mother who has passed from this life and how she inspired the love of Christmas in me. I spent a quiet afternoon on Mother's day at the cemetery caring for the special place where she has rested these many years. Planting a few flowers and some quiet reflection checking the US flag there for Dad. Many memories follow one as they leave the resting place of loved ones, but soon it was off to visit my mothers olde

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

2008 Season Has Ended

Well this season got over quickly as circumstances changed rapidly as my wife underwent two heart surgeries the first on December 8th which was supposed to be a day in the hospital which as things would have it turned into major open hart surgery. Thank the Lord she made it through, though we were all the worse for wear with worry. Canceled a number of my regular Santa appearances though I was able to continue my Christmas Eve visits on a smaller scale with the help of a friend to drive and anot

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

2008 Season Begins A Time To Reflect

Here it is November how quickly the year has past seems like I was just watching 4th of July fireworks and here I am putting away the whole array of Halloween Decorations we put up every year. I got a call from an old professor of mine from my college years was surprised to hear he is 97 the realizing for a moment I'm 56 a long way from that freshman at 18 when I met the professor. He is off to florida for the winter and I sit here and make my Christmas plans. Along with my to do list I think of

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Time Marches On

A friend of mine retired off the job last Friday and it made me think just how quickly time passes. The fellow who retired is a year younger than I am and it make me think. Being on the same job over 30 years and nearly that many as Santa.As one passes into middle age you start to appreciate things more.I recently was asked to assist as an usher in our church I was more than happy to do so. After taking up the collection I passed by the crying room window which cast my reflection. I looked for a

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Labor Day -Summers is Over

Well summer is about to end and fall will be upon us before we know it.I have already seen the fall decorations ,yes and even Halloween candy in the supermarket.I am already deep in the planning stages for the 2008 season with new custom suit belt and boots already in the closet waiting for the first official use. I have my first booking on November 15th an all day Christmas bizzar and craft show. I will be sitting for photos with the proceeds going to a church charity and acting as an official

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Christmas In July

Well here we are July 25th, traditionally Christmas in July. Not very much like Christmas in Boston the temperatures last week were in the 90's and very humid and this week it rained and rained and stayed humid. Well while sitting in gridlock traffic coming home tonight I turned on the radio and to my surprise the oldies station was playing Christmas music. The long slow commute on a Friday night from Boston went from sheer misery to thoughts of Christmas yet to come. I listened to Nat King Cole

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Awaiting The 2008 Season

Sitting here on a rainy spring night one might find it odd to be thinking of the Christmas season. Not me of course Christmas is with me always and I hope that it never changes. Last week for instance I has a new suit delivered and had it on for a fitting. Everything fit great except the hat. Too small for my gourd of a head. Well it was off to the post office to send it back to Sam to be made larger. Soon the bigger hat will arrive in the mail and again the suit will go on this time in full mak

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

A Month Has Past

Yes, a month has past since the magic of Christmas Eve 2007 was upon us all. As darkness fell on the 24th I began my yearly journey into Christmas making home visits and wonderful memories for young and old. Just a month ago checking every last detail of beard and costume ready to step out for the one great finale of the 2007 Christmas season. What a wonderful night it was ,snow on the ground, clear and cold but dry clear roads for travel. I visited many homes greeted many young and old leaving

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

2007 Season Now a Fond memory

Well I sit here at my computer on this January night watching the thermometer dip below ten degress looking out my home office window at a dark cold darkened cul-de-sac which only a few short days ago was festooned with Chistmas lights and decorations of all kinds. It was also the first Christmas in some time we had a substantial snow cover which is all but gone now. I sit here with feeling a bit low as the gloom of winter nights sets upon us.I will have my tree up at least through the week-end

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

A Christmas Visit

Well today is December 21,2007 and I made an important visit today,not as Santa but as myself but with Santa in my heart. I went to visit my Uncle who is 94 years old and still lives on his own in the same house he bought after returning from WWII. Well as I arrived the house was snow covered the driveway not plowed as he does not drive anymore.The front gate slighty adjar frozen in ice and snow for the foreseeable future only a few footprints on the stairs covered in snow from the last three st

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

The Reindeer Are At The Starting Gate

Well, Halloween is behind us a fun night for the 189 goblins that paid us a visit. One question was repeated several times by the Mom's supervsing the goblins' "When is that Santa and Sleigh going up?"Well soon, the reindeer all eight of them will soon be brought down from the storage attic in the garage and I will touch the paint as needed. I have already bought some new floodlights and holders(they are impossible to find after the second week of December) Why new flood lights for the display y

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Christmas Memories

A couple of weeks ago I had a few days off,my wife and her sister took my sisters grandchildren off to Disney.I went to the attic to reterieve the many Halloween decorations stored up there. Looking around in a dimly lit attic I noticed I was surrounded by Christmas. So many things that have come my way over the years not each thing sees downstairs every year. Some things are rotated over several years.I noticed sitting in a clear plastic bag a stuffed Santa all of two feet tall looking back at

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Christmas Anticipation

Well for me since I was a small boy as soon as the Halloween decor is stored my thoughts turn to Christmas.Being a child in the fifties Christmas was never rushed the way it is today. It would be unheard of to see a Christmas tree before Thanksgiving I saw the first one for sale in September this year.But in my house tradition ruled. Christmas decorations were put up the day before Christmas and were up until January 6th.Being addicted to Christmas at such an early age and comming from a home wh

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Let the Styling Begin

As fall is arriving I have begun the annual ritual with my whisker sets. I take them out and wash and rest set them all. Right now in my basement workshop there are three sets all pinned up to styrofoam heads. Each set has been hand washed with baby shampoo and combed out straight. I then go through the trimming and curling process. The beards each get stray hairs trimmed then set with foam culers. The hair is rolled up from the bottom of the beard. The wigs are curled up and under. The longer I

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

Improving My Santa Presentation

For years I have been working to improve my presentation as Santa. As a reference I used the CocaCola image and one's found in the Norman Rockwell Santa's of the Old Saturday Evening Post. Ever since I got the first beard set I was looking for ways to make it look better. I have bought probably a dozen Santa beard and wig sets over the years. Each set has fallen victim to my amature hairstyling attempts. My latest sets which are yak get washed cut and reset.Each time I try to make the look bette

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

My History with Santa

I have since I was a child been facinated with the Santa and Christmas. When I was a child my Uncle Phil wore the red suit and was Santa at all the family Christmas gatherings. It was so exciting as a child to have Santa show up right in the house.We all went to a departement store to get a picture but having him arrive during a family party at home was magical. My dad who had the appropriate build was Santa for the cub scout Christmas parties and later for his grand kids. When the grand kids wa

Santa TJS

Santa TJS

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