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A Tiny Lump of Coal

Old Sante Claus

Viewed: 1,336 times

A Tiny Lump of Coal

I would like to fill your stocking,

But the bad news I’ve been told.

That you have been kinda naughty,

So all you get is Coal.

If I use the honor system,

And you choose to share your soul,

Your Bear can be your witness,

That you’ve been good as gold.

When eating at the table,

Don’t let your meal get cold.

Mind your table manners,

Sit straight, don’t tip the bowl.

Just listen to your Mother,

Let goodness be your goal.

Always share with others,

And do what you‘ve been told.

Just hang your biggest stocking,

Secured so it can hold.

A lot of Christmas goodies,

And a tiny lump of coal.

by James E. Webber

Old Sante'Claus


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