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The Life and Times of Santa Claus WV

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Why Am I Supporting Claus Fest?

John Johnson

Viewed: 2,813 times

As most of the Santas here know, I am a fellow who is in favor of getting along. I am for peace in our community and for anything that will promote peace. I love anything that makes 1. children believe and 2. makes Santa a positive as opposed to a negative.

Truthfully, I had my doubts about a national or even a regional convention when the original thread was posted. I even voiced my opinions not only here but also in private chat with a few other Santas. I remember well the turmoil of 2010 after Celebrate Santa. I remember well what some unnamed Christmas folk did. And I realize that CindyLu and Tim were there too.

But the more I read about what Tim and CindyLu wanted to do, and read the posts showing the "boy scout" reasons for doing it I was intrigued. Peace and unity are majro factors for this event, not only with eachother as Santas but with a community who has been cheated also. I felt after reading what they were saying that they were honest and sincere in their approach. I honestly felt and still feel that there is nothing hidden in their motives.

When CindyLu asked me to be their ambassador to WV, I said to my wife that it would not be hard to share information to the Santas of my state. But what would I tell them? Well, I told them what I knew and about the purposes for having this event. All I met was positive. Watching the progress of this event and seeing first hand what is being put into it just makes me want to try even more to do what I can for making it's vision a reality.

Then there came a few negatives, some doubted that they would come and be a part of it. Well, that is going to happen. After speaking publically and privately with CindyLu about those negatives I strongly feel that there will be a big positive to come out of all of it.

So, what began for me with suspicion from what had happened in the past, I have decided to make a positive for the future. Hopefully not just for me. I believe in the principles of Claus Fest, and the only way that the cause of unity and fellowship will occur is through my personal work to make it happen.

The same with you, the only way that positive will be regained is by you stepping out with me and helping. It doesn't have to be ClausFest. It can be through FORBS and the Jamboree. It can be through posts here. It can be through any number of actions that support the brotherhood.

When we try to find the positive there truly is no stopping us from building a great future together. I just hope that that is what ClausFest stands as in the future. I am happy to be able to help.


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Beautifully Stated, Santa John. Thank You for your support and work~


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Tim Cavender


Thank you Santa John for having the faith to believe in what we are doing. It's words like yours that keep us motivated. I am thankful to have you on our team!

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Tim Cavender


Thanks Santa John for your kind words. It's words like yours that keep us motivated and excited about ClausFest 2012. I am thankful to have you on our team!

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Santa Pirate


:thumbup2::thumbsup: well said Santa John :thumbsup::thumbup2:

What I love about this ClausFest is that it is not being put together by any one Santa org..........But by some of the best claus's I have had the honor of meeting, Tim & Cindylu thank you for all you.ve done to make this possible :yahoo::clap:

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Santa Pirate


:thumbup2::thumbsup: Well said Santa John :thumbup2::thumbsup:

what I love about this ClausFest, is that it is not being run by any one Santa org. but by a couple of the finest claus's I have had the honor of meeting.....thank you Tim & Cindylu for making this possible :thumbup2:

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Santa Guy


Santa John

I am new to ClausNet as of the beginning of this year. I was very happy In finding this site because of the all of the positives, and because of the beliefs of the true meaning of Christmas that is regularly shown here. I have no knowledge of the past problems except from what I have read here, People need to keep the past in the past ,you can't do any thing about it now it's the past, but we can all learn from the past any strive to make the future better. I think that ClausFest is a fabulous Idea and That is why I have asked and have become Delawares Ambassador, My wife and I are doing all we can to promote ClausFest and the Idea that it stands for and where it is being held. Please remember we / you can not make every body happy but if we / you try our hardest be positive and honest and can hopefully make the majority happy we /you have succeeded. Santa John I am glad you have seen through the negativity and have stayed positive and are helping to bring ClausFest to fruition. I personally can't wait to meet you and every body involved. I also think that the executive committee has been honest and are doing all they can do, to right the wrongs and bring us an outstanding convention to all of us .Thank you again Santa Guy. Delawares Ambassador.

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Tim Cavender


Santa John, Santa Pirate and Santa Guy...you have all touched my heart and I appreciate all of you so very much. May God bless you all!

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Poppy Claus


Hi Friends,

It's been a long time since you've heard from me here on ClausNet, but I couldn't let this opportunity go by to applaud Santa John for his spirit of reconciliation put forth on behalf of the upcoming Claus Fest event next March. I have been involved in all of the Santa gatherings, going back to Discover Santa in Branson in 2006. I guess I am aware of most of the problems of past conventions, but I choose not to dwell on the problems. I look at each opportunity that comes my way to spread Santa's cheer as a new opportunity to meet new people both in the Santa community as well as outside of it.

That is what we all should be doing. As it says in the Bible in Isaiah, "Forget the former things, do not dwell in the past." Is: 43:18. CindyLu and Charlie and Tim and Pam have endeavored to provide the opportunity for all of us to "Forget the former things." I have chosen to join them for this new adventure, and I urge all of you who can to join us for the fun and fellowship and learning so that we can be the best Santas we possibly can be.

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Tim Cavender


Hi Friends,

It's been a long time since you've heard from me here on ClausNet, but I couldn't let this opportunity go by to applaud Santa John for his spirit of reconciliation put forth on behalf of the upcoming Claus Fest event next March. I have been involved in all of the Santa gatherings, going back to Discover Santa in Branson in 2006. I guess I am aware of most of the problems of past conventions, but I choose not to dwell on the problems. I look at each opportunity that comes my way to spread Santa's cheer as a new opportunity to meet new people both in the Santa community as well as outside of it.

That is what we all should be doing. As it says in the Bible in Isaiah, "Forget the former things, do not dwell in the past." Is: 43:18. CindyLu and Charlie and Tim and Pam have endeavored to provide the opportunity for all of us to "Forget the former things." I have chosen to join them for this new adventure, and I urge all of you who can to join us for the fun and fellowship and learning so that we can be the best Santas we possibly can be.

God Bless you Santa Cliff and thank you so much for being a part of this special event. We are thrilled to have you as a part of our team!

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