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Who will you pass on your knowledge?

Santa Brian of SC

Viewed: 2,715 times

With recent passing aways of some Santa's it come to me do we have anyone that we pass along our knowledge or our Santa "stuff" and suits? After all we spend so much time and money in some cases on our Santa persona it would be a shame to have our suits and all just hang in a closet and waist way. For me I am on of the lucky ones who has a son that I could pass along my "stuff". I use the word could assuming he would have the calling in his heart to be a second generation Santa. He is only six years old right now so he is a long way from taking over should he want to. First step will be an elf some time down the road. But should he not get the calling do I find someone to pass along to or does the family sale the items I have acquired over to year to a stranger somewhere who hopes that they would use it wisely? So now the question IS..... Should we start a "connection group" of sorts to pass our goods along to so that we know we pass it along to a Santa with the true calling?


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I have my "Santa equipment" willed to my son as well.  Not only the goods but also the knowledge.  Writing memoir's throughout my journey for a legacy to be remembered by and hopefully my kids will both learn a bit more about the man they called dad. 


If I didn't have a son, or if he doesn't take up the call I really am not sure what I would do. Perhaps a museum of some sort...or my wife and kids can have them for a memory of me....or they can sale them in a garage sell...I dread.

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Santa Marty


I am blessed with daughters and my only family lineage might be a son in law, or a grandchild.  I fear that looking that far down the time line my "kit" would probably be out of date. 


There are some Santa's who are involved in mentoring programs and that would be a wonderful place to start.  What a joy to pass on to one less experienced!


Perhaps individual Santas' should let there family know their wishes.  For myself, I would rather see a fellow ClausNet member put my "kit" to its best use for himself as a start or an upgrade and would leave the option to family to post a for sale post here, if the resource is at option at the time of my passing.


What sort of ideas do you have for organizing a resource such as this?


Just last week I suddenly lost a good friend, so one never knows......

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Santa Dave T


a memoir...what a great idea....thanks Craig. I think my youngest son will take up the calling....he is already my 6'6" elf....

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Michael Rielly


My son, Santa Sean will inherit all my Santa things. I wish I had something of my grandfather's to pass on to him.

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Ken Kringle


I am still fairly young (59), but since I've had 1 stroke , who knows...

I have told Mrs.Kringle if the worst should happen to give my suits and kit to my younger brother IF SHE THINKS he would carry on as a santa.

IF not then she is to check around and fine a new Santa that would be deserving..

HOWEVER if something gets set up thru this site, then she could just pass it all along here..

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I have an extensive Christmas ornament collection.  Because my birthday is in December, I had a party every year and asked my guests to bring an ornament as a present.  I have three trees full.  A traditional tree, an angel tree, and a music tree.  It breaks my heart that none of my children are interested in them.  Every year, when I unpack them, I remember the person that gave each one to me.  Bittersweet.  I think this year I will start giving the ornaments away as a gift to my guests.  Or . . . maybe not.  LOL 


P.S.  Santa Marty, maybe one of your girls will want to be Santa's Sister ;)

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