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sign language class

Bestemor Claus

Viewed: 2,082 times

this is now our second semester of sign language classes and what a difference. Holy Cow! once you've passed the initial beginners course, there is no more nice and slow pace action.

Last semester our instructor was a deaf man who at one time had been hearing so he was able to vocalize his explanations and wishes. This semester his wife is teaching those of us who are supposedly seasoned signers. Talk about culture shock. She is quick and totally deaf. SO... we are definitely in the "jump in the deep end and learn to swim as quickly as possible or drown" stage. On top of that, Bill and I had missed the first 2 classes due to moving my daughter to New Haven, CT and then attending the St. Nicholas School at the St Nicholas Institute in Livonia, MI.

Those of you who know me know that I talk rather quickly ( as Bill says all Yankees do). Well that's how our instructor talks- really fast but in sign language. I know i sat there with a look of total befuddlement, trying desperately to keep my lower jaw from dropping open and fake it as best as possible.

I had to laugh at myself. When Bill and I are in the speaking community, I sometimes sign to him if I don't want those around us to know what I am saying. Well i found myself looking across the room and signing to him-- "You ok? did you get that?" Only thing is-- everyone there knew exactly what I was saying. lol hmmm no secrets in that room. :)

I must say it's a little daunting to be surrounded by a class of much younger classmates who grasp things faster and whose fingers don't complain about the contortions i am trying to put them through. So this week and weeks to follow it will be intense practice and maybe an investment in some aspercream for these old arthritic fingers.

Lately my 2 favorite signs are "forgot" and " I know nothing" (Col Klink style). with a dash of "grumpy" just for good measure. well on ward and upward. the adventure continues.

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Sounds like you have been very, very busy.  I lived next door to the Deaf and Blind School in Colorado Springs when I was growing up, and still remember a little sign language from when I would play with those kids.  Hope you are well!

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Big Jim Santa


Big Jim Santa from Peoria IL

Keep up the good work , YOU CAN DO IT.

As a security officer and Santa I was wanting to learn sign for both as a security officer or Santa here in Peoria IL.

There has been a few times sign could help out when being around the deaf as a security officer or Santa and fire fighter.

I think we all could use this in all walks of life.

If you have some Ideas on how I can gain knowledge or where to locate simple info on this great language it would be greatly used.     Here is my address /James E Matthews /2515 North Rockwood drive/Peoria IL 61604-2215/

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