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Mesa County Christmas 2013


Viewed: 2,245 times

  • Every season, new Christmas characters are introduced to the public. Mrs. Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Elf on the Shelf, and now SANTA'S SISTER! What a great way to spread the Christmas joy. Did you know there are currently almost TWO BILLION children in the world? Santa can use all the help he can get! Besides, FAMILY is the best way to share the work and happiness when it comes to the holidays. Don't worry, my brothers. No one can ever replace you!

Interview with Santa Nana

Grand Junction, Colorado

The 2013 Christmas Season was quite overwhelming for Santa Nana. After moving to the “other side of the mountain,” I got involved in the Christmas activities for three communities: Palisade, Grand Junction and Fruita. I was on the steering committee for the Palisade Olde Fashioned Christmas, and worked on an open house event, as well as pictures with Santa, a ride on my own float in the parade, appearances at the holiday market, the gingerbread contest, and other Palisade holiday events. I got to ride in my very own fancy limousine in the Grand Junction parade, and finally, I rode on an antique fire truck in the Fruita parade. I was on TV! I was interviewed for newspapers! I’m exhausted.

Sometimes it is better to go into things without any expectations. This year, a lot of people made a lot of promises about a lot of things they had no actual knowledge of - - and that is as nicely as I can put it. We have a dozen ways to communicate with people - - phones, cell phones, text, e-mail, Facebook, twitter, snail mail, pigeons . . .and yet time after time I showed up to meetings that had been cancelled, events that had been rescheduled or relocated, and I scrambled to handle last minute changes with unexpected requests. I worked with agencies that did not know how to use e-mail, didn’t answer the phones, closed early and often (including if it snowed!) and were generally negligent in keeping everyone advised on what the heck was going on. I’m still trying to understand how I got put on the back of a flatbed truck with a small elf and nothing to hold on to for a bumpy, bumpy ride! That was certainly the scariest night of the season, as I struggled to hold onto the kid, and keep from falling off into the frozen, icy street in a velvet costume. My fingers got frostbitten.

But ladies and gentlemen - - I showed up. Even when my appearance was suspect. I covered for those who couldn’t make it, filled in for the sick, stepped up for the feeble, donated time, resources and talent, and kept my attitude happy, happy, happy. I meet some fantastic Santa brothers, (most especially Santa Greg Lough of Glenwood Springs, Colorado), some lovely citizens of my community, and, when I recover from the trauma, I will probably have some funny stories about my year in Mesa County.

Finally, I would also like to report that the people in my current community have been completely accepting of “Santa’s sister.” Unfortunately, this year brought continued criticism from some in the online Santa world who feel that women have no place here. Thanks to all of you who continue to support me, and your wives and daughters, in our creative endeavors.

Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 2014.

Santa Nana's Tip: I tried making a video this year and posted it on YouTube. It was fun and easy. If you have Skype, it is a snap.

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Santa Laureate


When Bestemore and I met you in Fruita, at the resturante. I knew then that this would work for you. I am glad that Santa has a sister and was glad to met her with that wonderful little grandaughter. She was quiet and polite  and we had a good visit.

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