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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Santa Johnathan

Viewed: 2,948 times

The Light at the End of the Tunnel...We Need a Little Christmas!

When I fell in mid November, I had no idea that it would be over four month before I was truly walking again. Now, while I've already written a few times on the subject, I'm happy to say that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

This week the staples were removed from my final surgery that took place two weeks ago and I will transition into regular shoes by the end of April. Now, this might sound funny but having MATCHING shoes, for me, is going to be a very exciting time. I've gone from braces, to casts, to walking boots, and now a walking shoe. Just having a nice pair of matching tennis shoes is going to be a CELEBRATION!

I'm also looking forward to building back muscle and having a fully functional body to get to the gym and exercise. It's amazing how tiny my whole leg is now in comparison to the other.

Yesterday, as I was scheduled out the next few weeks and reviewing my calendar for work, a song popped into my head. It was Angela Lansbury singing "We Need a Little Christmas" from the musical "Mame." I just smiled as I thought about the song...I need a little Christmas.

It's truly amazing what the Christmas season brings and the feelings that come with the sounds of the season. I'm excited and looking forward to a wonderful Christmas this year and wishing you all an amazing year as well.

A giant thank you to my Clausnet family and all the support you have given me.

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Santa Johnny Boy


Glad to hear that you're healing well and it's good to see you back posting on Clausnet!

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Good to see you on the mend and all is going well "Mate". Take it easy.

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Santa Marty


It has been a long haul, and I am sure an impact on all aspects of your life and home.  I really am so happy you can see the light.  I am sure you know the importance of being able to do so in the process.


Always here my friend.

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Santa Hill


Glad to hear that you are nearing the end of this battle.  It is truly amazing how a split second in time (the fall) results in months of procedures and recovery to correct.  I know you will get back into the gym and make healthy changes in your life and don't worry, that leg will come back and match the other one pretty quickly.  Take care and thanks for posting the video, you're right, we all need a little Christmas.

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Bestemor Claus


Johnathan, So glad youre recovering well. Atrophy is a very interesting reality of what happens when you cant ( or in some cases don't) use a muscle. I think all of us have experienced this in a small form when we discover how hard it is to walk after being ill in bed for just a couple of days. Take pictures. It will be a cool reminder. And when you have finally recovered, use them to remind your self that this is what happens to the whole body when we stop using the muscles we have. then look at them when you dont feel like going to the gym. lol. Think of how you can use these pictures in your classes. vocal chords get weak from loss of use also. ok sorry Im getting a little geeky here. Love you much. hug your wife and kids for me. Judi

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