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Above all put the children first

Dixie Claus

Viewed: 2,300 times

This past weekend my husband and I had the pleasure of being Santa and Mrs. Claus at Pick Wick once again. My husband has been Santa for them since they began Pick Wick in the park 10 years ago. We have always had such a wonderful time and have been so blessed to participate in this event. Jason (Savannah Santa) has always taken his job as Santa very seriously, always looking for ways to become better. To me he is the perfect Santa.

Every year things have went along so smoothly, very busy, but an awesome way to spend the weekend. This year, however, there was an issue. There was a man and his wife staying at Pick Wick Inn, he was doing Santa elsewhere. On Saturday this couple checked out, but instead of leaving, he sat down in the lobby with his Santa hat on, while his wife went in the Holiday Mart and bought him a Santa Apron. He put the apron on and began being Santa, in the same area where my husband was. My husband being the wonderful, awesome Santa he is moved out of the area, because he was worried about the children. I am not sure who this man is, but he did a NO NO as a representative of the Santa brothers. Never, ever are you to do what he did. We attended a Santa class several years back and that was one thing we learned, never have 2 Santa's, portraying Santa where children can see both. I do not know if this gentleman is a member of Claus Net, but I am betting he is not. If he happens to be a member I hope he reads this and realizes what he did was wrong.

Most of you who know my husband, know that he is a younger Santa than most and works so hard as a bearded red head, to prepare each season. His feelings were hurt and he second guessed himself and his look, due to the fact that the much older, already white haired man, had a real Santa look. I tried to reassure him that the children absolutely love him and many believe in him.

So whoever this man might be, Shame on You for doing such an awful thing to the children and their Santa.

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While doing a "walkabout" in my home town of Fonthill, Ontario - at the request of the Pelham Marchants Association ( and they paid me to do so) I had several parents with children suddenly pull back from me saying things like "Not you again, you nut" or "Can't we get rid of you?", only to have them take another look, apologize and bring their children up to me. They stated "some fool" (their words, not mine) was down in the shopping plaza in a Santa costume, acting like a fool, scaring the children.

  I went down to take a look, checking out the different stores I had been asked by the Merchants Association to especially go in. The store clerks at first were actually belligerent, then did a double take and apologized. It was the other Santa again. I finally tracked him down to one of the stores. When I walked in, there he was. He turned him back to me, refused to speak to me and one of his clerks stated he owns a business, he can do what he wants.

  I reported this to the head of the Association the next day, stating he did that again, please don't call me. She stated he would be spoken to as that was wrong. The merchants loved the way I handled the crowd and wanted me only. I'll see what happens this year.  DUPLICATION IS WRONG THE OTHER SANTA KNOWS BETTER AND SHOULD REMOVE HIMSELF! 

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Well there Ms. Dixie Claus...


        ...Ol' Santa here.   I couldn't agree with you more.   I fact, I am so old fashioned concerning

this matter that I don't attend gatherings where more than one person is portraying Santa at one time; especially where children are around.


        Hopefully, who ever this Santa (?) is has learned a lesson.   Shameful!


Ol' Santa

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