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ClausNet, Kinder and Gentle

Santa Marty

Viewed: 2,857 times

ClausNet has, in my opinion, has always been an informative resource to Santas of all levels.  

In comparison with other social media, FB and other inter web Christmas enthusiasts sites and groups I get the perception that ClausNet is much kinder.

Sure, we have spirited and vastly divided topics that are discussed.  Some of which become very passionate and polarizing and emotionally driven.  Let’s face it, as a Christmas enthusiast, we have certain levels of passion.  Without that passion, I would not be motivated to blog, and you would not take the time to read it.

Recently (not on CN) I have noticed an upsurge in what appears to me to be a bunch of old guys hanging around waiting for Christmas again and since its not here yet, have become grumpy or perhaps that is their natural tendency.  I doubt they would participate in a poll or survey on my assumption but that if neither here nor there.

On FB, in the last few weeks I have noticed Santa posting photos or their new suit, new boots, or something trade related.  In variably someone chimes in with criticism.  Blasting the poster photo, what he bought, how it fits, how they should NEVER wear boot spats, never this beard or that.  Yes, granted some are asking outright for thoughts on the photo.  This is good, its how we learn, how we make the best of what we got.  To see someone (supposedly a brother in red) tear into their photo with a vengeance.

There are ways that constructive criticism can and should be offered.  Destructive criticism however, can suck the spirit right out of someone.  It can cause hurt feelings, and in the very least not help.  By using constructive criticism you can say the very same thing as a destructive critic without sucking the spirit out of someone.

I am very glad that ClausNet offers more information than any school provides, the knowledge base is huge and growing daily.  The information is here, you do have to work to seek it out it is not spoon fed and it is like finding that golden nugget that gives you that “aha” moment.  

ClausNet is so much Kinder and Gentler than most places but, it can only remain so by those who participate who keep their minds on being helpful and not hurtful.

Thanks for reading.

Santa Marty


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I don't go near Facebook, but my wife commented just this morning that she noticed the same thing on the FB Santa postings she has seen. A shame really...

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Santa Johnny Boy


Never been on Facebook myself,  but from what I've heard, I'm not missing much.  Clausnet has been around much longer than Facebook, having come on the scene when the old Santas Across the Globe was fading away.  And hopefully Clausnet will never fade away, as it is the longest running Santa site in existence.

Facebook might just fade away, whenever the new "it" site comes about.

But Clausnet, with it's kindness and gentleness, I hope to see it last ten times ten thousand years!

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Santa Marty


6 hours ago, Santa Johnny Boy said:

I hope to see it last ten times ten thousand years!

Johnny Boy,

I've told you at least 100 Billion Thousand times NOT to exaggerate.

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Santa Johnny Boy


Was actually quoting, "Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus"  but maybe I got a little over enthused...  :santa_wink:

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Santa Johnathan


Clausnet is a gem and I point all I know to come here and learn. There will always be those that gripe and complain but we need just to ignore that. I think when offering criticism, it’s fairly clear when it’s coming from a place of caring and support. If you are opening your mouth without really caring about that individual getting better, just keep your mouth shut and move along. 

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Michael Rielly


Facebook is becoming a cesspool and for the first time they are seeing a decrease in members. Their recent decision to "control" the content you see on your timeline has caused many to leave the platform for alternative up and coming social networking site. And the amount of personal information both Facebook and Google are collecting on all of us is frightening.

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Santa TJS


I saw the FB group posting some new guy gets himself a new suit and is attacked rather than helped. Then some guy calls him a fake Santa because he did not have a real beard. This happens all the time on Facebook. When do they realize we are portraying a fictional Character. No one is Santa and just because you grow a beard does not make you real. Work on your best image when portraying Santa, If you can't grow a reasonable real beard then look for the best designer beard yo can afford. Give the best portrayal you can leave those who see you with a memorable experience seeing the character of Santa Claus.

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Michael Rielly


As the gatekeeper here on who gains access to ClausNet, I get a lot of emails from folks who want to be members. As part of the screening process I ask why they want to join. I can't tell you how many times people say that they are finally a real Santa because they are growing a beard. Not a great first impression -- especially for this "fake" Santa.

I think part of the problem is there are too many Santas now. And too many are doing this for, in my opinion, the wrong reasons. In the past 10 years there has been an "explosion" of new Santas on the scene. Everyone thinks they are going to get rich -- or famous. 

That's why you see all the sniping and negativity. They are all competing with one another.


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Santa Johnathan


It doesn’t help that there are “Santas” giving workshops and classes on how to be rich and famous...while lining their own pockets. It is only going to get worse as the “cosplay generation” steps in and putting on a suit becomes more about making a point and grabbing some attention. 

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Felix Estridge


2 minutes ago, Santa Johnathan said:

It doesn’t help that there are “Santas” giving workshops and classes on how to be rich and famous...while lining their own pockets. It is only going to get worse as the “cosplay generation” steps in and putting on a suit becomes more about making a point and grabbing some attention. 

Yeah.  I have already been cringing at the thought of when cosplayers get into this.

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Michael Rielly


I've been saying this for a few year now; that the Santa community is starting to look more like cosplay than what it used to be...

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Santa Johnathan


2 hours ago, Michael Rielly said:

I've been saying this for a few year now; that the Santa community is starting to look more like cosplay than what it used to be...

I could not agree more. At some point, we need to fit the character, not the other way around. All of the Santas trying to outdo each other with over-the-top gaudy and showy suits, they are missing a great opportunity. When we can help bring out an adults inner child, especially in front of their children...that can be a magical moment. When we force the character to conform to and stretch the character and traditional look of Santa, we pull further and further away from those adult’s childhood memories.   

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Santa Johnny Boy


Met a guy the other day, he asked me if I played Santa.  I said "yes" and he told me that he was interested in doing just that.  His kids got him a Santa suit for Christmas and he showed me pictures.

We talked for a little bit and I gave him my contact info.  I told him I would mentor him.

He got excited and asked me how much money could he make at this?

I looked at him, and with my tongue in my cheek, said, "On no, you won't make much money playing Santa.  It's a hobby at best."

He never contacted me!

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Santa Warren


On 3/6/2018 at 6:14 PM, Santa Johnathan said:

It doesn’t help that there are “Santas” giving workshops and classes on how to be rich and famous...while lining their own pockets. It is only going to get worse as the “cosplay generation” steps in and putting on a suit becomes more about making a point and grabbing some attention. 

These "workshops" remind me of the real estate flipping scams where they offer a free seminar and then pitch you a how to be rich hard sale.  At the end of the seminar you end up with having paid for more.  

The people running the seminar get rich, a few very few that pay make a dime and the rest, well they are just the people P. T.  Barnum talked about.

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Michael Rielly


7 minutes ago, Santa Warren said:

These "workshops" remind me of the real estate flipping scams where they offer a free seminar and then pitch you a how to be rich hard sale.  At the end of the seminar you end up with having paid for more.  

The people running the seminar get rich, a few very few that pay make a dime and the rest, well they are just the people P. T.  Barnum talked about.



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